About myself

Subject: Self-introduction (Critical Thinking and Communications)

Dear Professor Blackstone,

My name is Albert. I am a student from class S20, attending one of the Critical Thinking and Communications modules you teach. I am writing to introduce myself to you. I graduated from Ngee Ann Polytechnic with a Diploma in Aerospace Engineering in 2022. My interest in engineering came from my father, who works as a mechanic. Growing up, I watched him work on cars and was fascinated by how simple inanimate objects enabled complex mechanisms to function. Among the various engineering industries, aerospace piqued my interest the most as I was intrigued by the idea of flying. As such, I decided to pursue my studies in the aerospace field.

I believe my communication strength is my ability to understand my audience, a skill I acquired during my national service. I served as a policeman and had to frequently converse with both my team and the public. To ensure everyone could understand me, I would converse or explain in suitable terms the other party could comprehend. For example, when I talk to people who are not fluent in English, I would use simple words and gestures to facilitate their understanding. This skill helped me convey my message to them effectively. 

My communication weakness is my habit of constant interruptions. When someone discusses a topic that I can relate to, I can't help but give my opinion, sometimes at inappropriate times. I did not think much of this act back then, but now I understand that it can cause the speaker to feel disregarded and unhappy. Therefore, I am trying to kick this habit.

In this module, I hope to refine my strength of understanding my audience. I believe there is still room for improvement as there will always be someone who requires another approach instead of what I usually do. In addition, I wish to improve my professional email writing as it will be utilized often in the future. I believe by working on these objectives, I would be better prepared when I join the workforce.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to attending your lessons.

Best regards,

Albert Wong


  1. Hello Albert, it was pleasant to read your words and get to know you better! It is cool to hear that you are a policeman serving on the frontline! I'm sure you have a great deal of experiences to share about. Your letter is also well-organized and insightful, cheers to learning together =)

  2. Hey Albert, thanks for the insightful and well-organized sharing! I also face the same bad habit as I can get a little jumpy at times. Maybe we can try to relax and listen through what the speaker has to say before jumping into our conclusions?

  3. Hello Albert, it was great to read your letter even though we have known each other since our days in BMT. Knowing all this while, I have yet to come across you interrupting whenever we spoke to each other, or amongst our section-mates. You definitely are an understanding person as well, with your skills in mediating issues and also being a good listener. I am glad that we can continue our journey together in SIT since we parted ways in NS. All the best and I am looking forward to working with you more in this journey.

  4. Hey Albert, Thank you for sharing this letter. Having known you for so long, I can definitely attest to your strength in communication. Our time working together in national service before joining Singapore Institute of Technology really highlighted your skills. I hope everything goes well with your studies. See you around!

  5. Dear Albert,

    Thank you very much for this well organized and informative letter. You address all the key points and elaborate with fine detail. I'm particularly impressed by both how you overview your initial interest in engineering and how you connect your stint as a police officer with your comm skills and development.

    If there is anything here to work on here in a 2nd draft it might be the overuse of capital letters in the first paragraph. There is also a minor verb tense issue here:

    For example, when I talk to people who are not fluent in English, I would use simple words and gestures to facilitate their understanding.

    Thanks again for the fine introduction.

    I look forward to learning more about you this term.




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